Thursday, January 30, 2014

Up to date in the Old Lylek Den

We usually play on Wednesday nights, but last night there were a couple of conflicts. We are hoping to pick up tonight...

So the following is what happened LAST week, and this catches this journal up to date...

Nyn sends the heroes out toward New Meen. They have a Speeder provided for them. They notice the droid is not there… Turns out he went back to the ship during the night and the other ship on the landing pad is gone and has been replaced by a different vessel.

I forgot to roll for obligation, so it was ignored. The group speed away across the badlands - Craig driving and Kyle helping to navigate, as he has skills that allow for better “rough terrain” travel. They are ambushed! Their speeder is disabled and the driver, Craig’s character, takes some damage when his body collides with the controls. They get out to investigate and hear some people behind cover
laughing. They identify themselves as Imperials and demand that the group put down their weapons. Jonas’ droid character, ever on the lookout for Imperials to blast, charges while the others try to figure out why Imperials would be calling out from the shadows…

A Gand and a human are behind cover. Jonas assumes the human is the Imperial and opens fire, wounding him. Kyle’s Wookie tries to stop the shooting and manages to get them to hold off for one turn, then Jonas’ droid fires again. This time they fire back and the Gand hits the Wookie and almost stuns him to the ground.

After a few rounds the heroes have managed to take out “Imperial” and another “Guy” runs up from the cave to take his place, firing on the group. Meanwhile the Wookie manages to subdue the Gand and take his Blaster Rifle from him. He threatens him if the others don’t give up. They answer by running deeper into the cave.

B’ora B’an was knocked out in the crash. He comes to and finds some strapping material to bind the Gand, Imperial and Guy. Their aim is to see if they have a bounty and to maybe extract some information. Chris’ character manages to read the thoughts of the Gand and knows he’s afraid he won’t survive this and get back to Teemo. Threatened by the Wookie, he admits to being
“in it for the cred’s.” Brent and Jonas recognize the humans as “typical bounty hunters” and Jonas even knows they call one of them Haze.

They let the two escape deeper into the cave while they decide what to do now. Some want to continue with the mission while some want to explore the cave. The Wookie, very winded from the encounter, agrees to rest and keep a watch on the prisoners, saying "we have comlinks, remember?”

That’s where we called the night for time. No XP was given out yet as we didn’t get that far into the action, and they are still technically at the “Old Lylek Cave.”

We did have a Monty Python moment though... Remember that we are playing on There is a "fog" feature there where the GM can "reveal" only the part of the map that is seen. Right now here's the where the characters are -

If you'll notice the "grayed" parts, that's what the characters can NOT see (which is why I'm not giving you a full screen shot). The speeder came in from the upper left so that's all that could be seen. As they got closer to the ambush spot, I would "reveal" more and move the speeder. When the "O" in the word Old was revealed, Kyle said, "I want to hide behind the big Cherrio." :-)

After a laugh I revealed the entire title and we joked about if this were a Python skit the words would actually BE on the set like that. 

I was also accused of bringing a Car Wars vehicle in by way of the speeder. I actually pulled that from some Star Wars graphics I have, but I admit it does LOOK like a vehicle from Car Wars, which gave me an idea of where to grab some graphics... ;-)

Yes, we laugh and cut up and have a great time overall. The game is the catalyst - the social interaction is the real fun. :-)

Until next time…


  1. Speaking of Monty Python moments, the Gand was hiding behind 'a shrubbery'

  2. Yes - I forgot about that! That came right after the other comment I believe. :-)

    None of that was in my original notes - I remembered it as I was editing for the blog. :-)
