Chris’ character was trapped on the Krayt Fang. He had been taken prisoner by Trex as he would make good sport on a hunting run, or maybe fetch a decent price on the slave market. Trex had caught him by surprise and Dagos Frey was just biding his time while waiting for a chance to escape. Finding a common interest with the rest of the heroes, he has also found a new home.
Next session...
We played the next session on January 8, 2014. I had downloaded "The Long Arm of the Hutt" to run. This is the follow up adventure that Fantasy Flight published so I figured it would be a good spot to continue. It helps ME learn the system as well as the players, and since it's a "published" adventure I knew it would be fleshed out and thought out.
We had a quick recap of the last adventure and then we began. Brent had emailed a list of things he wanted to check on the ship. Since this adventure covers part of that I told him we’d cover it in session.
First, destiny points. All five guys rolled 2 white on the die, so they started with 10 and I started with zero. Obligation rolled for Kyle. His character is bothered by the fact that there was a captured person onboard (Chris' character) so he takes two strain for the session. All the others take one strain.
The heroes explore the ship and have to figure out how to silence an alarm and some annoying music. They also encounter another captive who offers them fuel and repairs if he will take them home to Ryloth. By coincidence, they are headed that way already… AND they are almost out of fuel! They pop out of hyperspace and are attacked by a small star fighter. While Jonas angles the deflector,
Craig and Chris climb into the turrets and manage to blow the attacker out of the sky.
They land on Ryloth and are introduced to the leader of a local group trying to turn away some ruffians from taking over a mining operation. Seems they have a mutual enemy in the form of Teemo the Hutt, so the heroes agree to help take care of said ruffians. They are offered a good night’s sleep first, though, and that’s where we ended the session.
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